Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting stronger

Abby Gayle is doing wonderful!  She has continued to progress with her feedings and is now taking 25 ml every 3 hours.  She has kept it down like a champ!  You can tell that her tummy is working and is trying to figure out what to do with the formula, because she is doing a lot of grunting.  Her tummy gives her some pain, but she hardly every cries. She is such a strong little girl!  The nurses are very encouraged by her progress, and feel it possible for her to go home by the end of the week! Oh what an answer to prayer that would be!  This little one is an answer to prayer & God has been with her every step of the way!  Praise our good God! 
Today, I worked on her room to get it ready for her homecoming.  It is ready for her to occupy her room! 
We will keep you updated as to when she is coming home!  Thank you for all your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter Amberly has kept me informed of the adoptions of Cannon and now beautiful Abby Gayle. I am praying for you and her..May God bless all of you and join you as a perfect family at home in the very near future. Continue to do her blog if you have time. I would love to keep up with her and Cannon. God Bless Karen Davis
