Monday, December 14, 2009

6 lbs 7 1/2 oz 20 inches long

Abby Gayle is doing wonderful!  She is continuing to grow by leaps and bounds! We are having so much fun with her & it's wonderful having a baby in the house again!  Canon is such a great big brother!  I can't wait until she realizes that he is entertaining her!  There will be no need for TV here, he will be her drama & comedy! 
As for her tummy, it is doing fine.  We are looking at one more surgery in the next 8 months to repair the hernia that has developed where the belly button should be.  It will be a simple procedure, but surgery is surgery!  We'll cross that bridge when it comes!


  1. Not much longer before she realizes Canon is entertainment. Ava loves to watch Ian.
    Great to see Abby Gayle doing so well. She is beautiful! I know how you feel about surgeries, we hold our breath every time Ian has one.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  2. This is PaPa I miss her. Look how alert she is with her eyes watching something. You must be proud.
