Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11 months old!

It has been a wonderful & fast 11 months!  We cannot believe how fast the time has gone!  It seems like it was yesterday that Abby Gayle was born and we were going back and forth to the NICU.  Boy are we glad those days are over!  And what a blessing God has given to us! 
Abby Gayle is doing incredible!  You would never know what she had been through in her early days of life by looking at her now.  She has thrived!  And such a happy little girl!
This is what she is doing now:

She is crawling like a mad-woman!  You turn your head & she's gone!
She can go from a crouched position to standing without any assistance.
She is just about to be able to walk, she just doesn't have the courage to take the first step on her own! 
She will walk all day long behind her "lion walker" or "alligator walker". 
She is eating some table food like peas & mashed potatoes. 
She only babbles words and occasionally says "dadadada" or "babababa".  I can't seem to get her to say "mama"!  Otherwise, she just squeals!
She absolutely adores her brother!  To her, he hung the moon!  She gets so excited when she sees him at the end of the day!  Her little feet start kicking!  I have to stand away from him to assure she doesn't kick him in the face! 

It is hard to believe that we are about to celebrate her 1st birthday!  God is so good!  We are so thankful for the health that He gave her!

Here are some recent pictures:

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