Sunday, October 18, 2009

Abby Gayle - October 17, 2009

Abby Gayle was born on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 12:43 PM. She is 16.9 inches and 4.4 lbs.
She is 5 weeks premature but was strong & already head strong at birth! She had an Apgar score of 9 at 5 minutes after birth. She was immediately taken to the NICU because of the condition called gastroschesis (where the intestines have developed on the outside of her abdomen).
She was taken to surgery that evening to insert as much of the intestines back into the abdomen as possible. What was not placed back in the abdomen was put into a "silo" to allow gravity to pull the rest of it into the abdomen. Once it has all gone back in, the surgeon will close up the abdomen and create a belly button for her.
She is on the ventilator and will remain on it until she goes back to surgery. It is our hopes that will occur on Tuesday, October 20th. At this time, she is strong and holding her own! We are just praying God's hand on her to keep her strong and overcome this challenge that has faced her little body!

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