Saturday, October 24, 2009

One Week Old!

Today, a week ago, Abby Gayle made her grand appearance into our world! What a wonderful day that was! and what a week it has been!
Abby Gayle is doing wonderful and progressing just as she should. Her incision looks great & she has a belly button! Her night last night was "uneventful" and that is what we like to hear.
Tony & I spent the evening holding and rocking her. She was loving it! She was wide awake in my arms, but as soon as she got in her daddy's arms, she fell asleep. He has that way with his babies!
We continue to ask for your prayers! Here are our specific prayers:
- that she will continue to be free from infection
- that her stomach will start to work as they should
- that when she starts to eat, she will tolerate it well without any set back
- that Tony & I will continue to be healthy so we will be able to be with her every day, several times a day

We trust that God has his HUGE hand on her & is taking care of every detail of her body! We thank you for your prayers!

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